Sunday, April 13, 2008

Do All Writers Have a Dark Side?

I have a lot of people act shocked when they hear that I have a dark side. Others do not. They see beneath the veneer through my stories which always contain a war, abandonment, betrayal, pathogen epidemics. As sweet as my stories are, they are not fantasy.

I write horror stories for podcasts under a pseudonym. I keep this one private. I do not want my historical readers to lose their ideal of my stories as they sink deep into Poe style stories.

I love writing short stories. A bite size look at life which takes people through a life changing moment within 10 minutes. I don’t see fear in my horror stories. I see reality. It may not be reality through your eyes, but it is through someones.

I’ve had people ask where I get ideas for my stories. The answer is simple, ‘you.’ That’s right, my most macabre story was born in an event, a news story, or something that was told me. It may not have been dark when the story was told the first time. I have the ability to see beyond the surface of society and pick out those things we want to fear.

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