Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Finished Editing The Pledge

I finished editing The Pledge last night and am sending it to the publisher today. This is the most exciting part of writing a novel. This is more exciting for me, as it is the first book a publisher showed any interest in. I still expect it to hit the slush pile, but 'interest' is a nice feeling. If accepted it will be released in 2008.

I feel so tired after a final edit. It is an emotionally draining experience. It was fun bringing the book up to par with today's genre promises. I still have a way to go to write my dream book. I want to really bring the relationship to life in my books.

Building the relationship is very difficult. The physical relationship is the easiest part. Teaching the characters to appreciate the other person -- this is the difficult part. It means that the character must stay in character while thinking of someone else.

Most historical writers do this by giving the Laird a run down Keep. Then they introduce a heroine who cleans things up and puts things in order. This is very simplistic, and while it is a 'mainstay' of Historical romance novel, I like to take the novel a little farther.

I like Elaine Coffeman in The Bride of Black Douglas. She gave the heroine real strength. The bride did clean things up, and put things in order, but the author included a human side to her that really brought the story to life. That is what I would like to put in my books.

In my current book I have a Protector Type Hero and a Healer/Helper Female character type. These two characters naturally go together and support each other. However, teaching them that the 'need' each other is going to be difficult. I am looking forward to the challenge.


Anonymous said...

I would like to read this. Let us know at myspace when it is released.

Impact is Everything said...

Yes, I'll announce the book over at myspace.